Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I hope to blog more but I haven't really had anything I felt I just needed to post. The move is pretty much the only major highlight over the past few months. With that being said, laundry awaits! See? Nothing going on! My life lately has just been a mirror image of the day before. But I figure, no news is good news sometimes.
Friday, August 7, 2009
journal entry- on my kitchen counters

I've been drawing in my journal pretty much everyday. I'm so proud of myself! I had to re-teach myself to study objects by observing every line, curve, shape. The best subjects are just your everyday items lying around the house. The drawings are pretty much self explanatory but yet, I have the need to tell you what they are. haha. A cookie jar filled with some oatmeal raisin cookies I baked two months ago, head of garlic, wishbone... small radio, yellow mums in a glass soda bottle, seashells in this antique mason's jar, a lemon, this "so-called" vanilla scented candle but has no smell whatsoever, and carnations. I love carnations! I know they're not the fairest of flowers but all flowers need love! Yes Kat, I am referring to you, you flower SNOB!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Esaias' masterpiece
I'm just being a proud mama showing off my three year old's watercolor painting of who-knows-what. Aside from the chocolate finger prints on the left hand side, strokes of aquas, lavender, reds, greens paint this picture that only the artist can interpret. From my eyes, I see eager surfers ready to take on the waves for another surf session. If I ask Esaias what this is, he'd probably say it was Spiderman fighting the Green Goblin. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
journal entry: july 19

Looking at this, it kind of reminds me of those Classic Winnie the Pooh books. I can see "Pooh" wandering over looking up at the bird house, thinking it was a bee hive. I'm not very good at watercoloring. So I figured I wouldn't overdo it and just add some color here and there. I think it came out pretty good! Let's just hope tomorrow has a bit more excitement in store for me. Good excitement.
Friday, July 17, 2009
journal entry : july 17

Thursday, July 9, 2009
In Full Swing and Koa
Monday, July 6, 2009
Everyday Matters

Just the other day, I went to my sister's house and she showed me a book she has raved about and inspired her. The book is titled Everyday Matters by Danny Gregory. It is a graphic memoir, a journal with his drawings of his everyday life and surroundings. During the aftermath of his wife's accident, he taught himself how to draw once again and through it, it has helped him cope with life's obstacles and see the beauty in everything. The life he knew no longer existed, but is now replaced with even more love, hope, and an understanding that life can still go on when we can't control or predict the unknown that can unexpectedly come crashing down on us. This small book has been a big inspiration to me to see that I've been blessed and to remind myself that not every drawing has to be "perfect", but it's what I see that matters the most. His most random drawings of a can of Chef Boyardee or the contents of his medicine cabinet and the funny captions, put a smile on my face and cracks me up at times. I've decided to start my very own journal containing my little sketches and scribbles. I believe it will be my therapy as well and let me get back into the groove of drawing once again. So thank you Mr. Gregory for opening up and sharing your life's journey, to help people like me jump-start our lives by reopening a door that's been closed for a long time.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
guilty pleasure- "Us" and I
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bizarre Foods Survival Special
Now, if you actually watched the clip, did he seriously just eat that LIVE baby lizard??? Now, here's the man that is freaked out by SPAM, but will eat a baboons butt. Okay, I don't know if he actually has eaten that but you never know with this guy! And that's why we love him.
So tune in folks, Tuesday night at 10 E/P, to see what craziness he gets into. Maybe when the boat goes back to pick him up, he'd have gone all Lord of the Flies with the camera crew. FUN!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
june heat

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Bizarre Foods- Singapore
Monday, May 18, 2009
Alabama skies

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Graffiti can be beautiful art. This is a building at a stop light in downtown Nashville. It's a store but unfortunately we were in the car and I couldn't get the whole picture without getting J's arm.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Nashville. Life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
happy 28

And the dinner was delicious. Well of course, because I cooked it. haha! No no no, I kid! I was thinking of going out for dinner, but I was feeling a bit under the weather. So I decided to just cook up a prime rib. Horseradish and garlic crusted prime rib to be exact. And a corona with lime to top it off. Not much of a drinker, but it was nice to just loosen up a bit. Followed by three hilarious episodes of "The Golden Girls" before I hit the hay. That is one of my ultimate favorite shows! Three menopausal women and one old wise-crackin grandma is my idea of a good time! Man, I am getting old. Shut up Iris, you're only 28.
So I reflect on my 28 years of life so far, and it's been a roller coaster ride of ups, down, turns, screaming, and laughs. I wish for more laughs ahead and good times to come! Happy birthday to me.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bizarre Foods- Appalachia
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
wednesday and new fish
Oh, so yeah, the last angelfish standing we had, keeled over. I think he was depressed and died a sad death. And in his place we got 4 Bloodfin Tetra fish. No time for mourning here! The salesman said that they're so much more easier to care for and don't have to worry about them dying off so quickly even if the water hasn't completed it's nitrogen cycle thing. And so we'll get a few more since they prefer to be in schools. They seem pretty happy!
Well the laundry isn't going to fold and hang itself! (damn I wish) And the vitamin B12 I took earlier is starting to wear off and it's only 2:45! No!! So a small cup of coffee for me it is! Enjoy your Wednesday whatever it is you may or may not be doing.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
got asian?
1/4 c. Kikkoman soy sauce
1. Cut tofu into 1" square pieces. Put in a tray. (I use a rectangular tupperware container with lid for easy storage.)
I also picked up some red bean mochi at the market. This I don't have a recipe for and am going to definitely find one to try it out! But it was so reasonable for a tray of fresh mochi that maybe I'd better just stick to the pros at Mai's Bakery. Thank you Mai, whoever you are.....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
mussels with whole grain rotini
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
r.i.p. fishy #2
I called the dudes at PetCo and spoke to the manager because I wasn't sure if it was going to be okay to return ANOTHER deceased fish. But he assured me it will be okay and that I should get a different species of fish that are more "hardy" because it apparently takes a few weeks for the water to go thru the whole nitrogen cycle and yada yada yada. At this point, I just want something that's not going to croak in a day. Give me the toughest son-of-a-bitch you got! None of these sissy fish please. So another trip to PetCo for me tomorrow. Grrrrr.....wish me luck!
Monday, April 20, 2009
fishy don't die!
Friday, April 17, 2009
down memory lane
Today has made me think of my own childhood and reminisce of the good ol days when I didn't have a care in the world! Not all of it was happy-go-lucky, but it's the good ones that I hold on to. Sometimes it seems so long ago that it could have all been a dream, until a familiar smell in the air of cherry flavored tobacco and I'm back at grandpa's and tutu's house in Kailua. Or the smell of "swimming pool" that brings me back to when my sis, our bestest and one of our oldest buds Mischa, and I would walk to the local pool. And after about 5 fun-filled hours of Marco Polo and "who can hold their breath underwater longer", we would walk our sunburned bodies to Taco Bell or Jack in the Box to get a drink we would all share, and play some "ice hockey" on the tables. We got in trouble once for doing that. heehee! I would have to say alot of my favorite childhood memories were from living and visiting my grandparents in Oahu. My tutu was an artist and so we always had access to art supplies to play with. Once during one of our many barbecues, Kat, Mischa, and I decided to make the lower level of the house an "art gallery" and so we drew all kinds of pictures for the display. To this day, I still get teased for my "Dorky of Oz" picture. I hate you guys. Nah, you know I love ya! One afternoon with painted faces, we made scary faces at drivers down busy Oneawa Street. I'm surprised we didn't cause any accidents that day. What a bunch or dorks. So many happy days of going to the beach, buying Sanrio at Liberty House, "panty hunts", barbie doll soap operas, and playing detective, will forever be locked away in a special place in my memory.
And of course I had very memorable moments on Kaua'i as well. Voting season was always fun! Holding signs and waving for Cayetano, Hirano, Kouchi, and whatever candidate signs happened to be posted by our house without permission. It was hilarious to see the confused faces of passersby. Our backyard was abundant with a variety of vegetables. We could've had a stand at the farmers market! There was corn, sweet potato, papaya, peanuts, eggplant, ginger, starfruit, avocado, jackfruit, typical filipino spread of malunggay, saluyot, and some kind of something that I still to this day, am not sure what it was. All I knew it was good for was throwing at cars that drove on the highway. They were a little larger than dates so don't be so appalled! Something I really miss was riding our bikes after school and stopping by the 7-eleven to get our Big Gulp and Big Hunk fix. But we always had to be home by 5:00 to cook rice. Good times.
Now I'm an adult and the life of bills, responsibility, picking up after the family has taken over! But it's okay. I love my family. I have some great memories to look back on, and new ones to make with my son. Happy birthday lil guy!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
lobster and linguine
(for 1-2 servings)
1 lobster tail (cooked in the shell, then cut into chunks)
olive oil
3 garlic cloves (chopped)
crushed red pepper flakes
pinch of kosher salt
freshly grated parmesan
lemon wedge
1. Boil water and cook linguine until al dente.
2. In pan, heat oil, add garlic and cook til slightly tender. Do NOT cook til brown or will have a slightly bitter taste. Unless you like that then go right ahead.
3. Add crushed red pepper to bring out the heat of the pepper, then add the lobster meat, kosher salt. Saute for a minute.
4. Plate linguine and spoon lobster on top.
5. Squeeze out juice from lemon and grate parmesan all over.
6. Eat.
Buon appetito!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

But what brought me back to reality during the show was the girl who had attempted 3 times to swing up in the air and land on a man's shoulders who may I add, was balancing on a 10 foot pole, but didn't. The audience's reassuring and "it's ok" clap didn't make up for it. Her face that was full of smiles previous, had now looked like someone told her her dog had died. And if it did, my condolences. During the rest of the show, the LIFE had completely drained from her painted face.
And another interruption was my mother in a loud whisper, "it's Joe the plumber". Referring to a bald "man's man" that was pulled up on stage by the most talented mime I have seen. He really got into the part on stage and made the audience roar with laughter, putting a smile on my face the entire time. There's a special place in my heart for tough guys who act like little kids.
And so goes my Friday night. Saltimbanco in Italian "to jump on a bench", was a sight to see. Merci you kooky french acrobats for a fantastic show!
Monday, April 6, 2009
rainy days and mondays
The temperature is now at 40 degrees, compared to the 75 degree weather we had yesterday. What...the...hell....I was so looking forward to wearing my slippers again, but no. Mother nature had other plans for us. Like my mom always says, "mother nature is having a hot flashes." Notice how i typed "a hot flashes"??? My mom is from the Philippines and so some things don't come out quite right, but God love her she tries.
So what have I been doing today aside from loafing and keeping my toddler entertained at the same time? Well i've been experimenting with this Photoshop thing. Very interesting...and confusing. I pretty much got the jist of most features, but still confused with others. Like i'm trying to customize a header for this blog page of mine, but i'm having some technical difficulties. So instead i've been messing around with some pictures, like these seashells, to see what this bad boy can do. Oh the possibilities!
Well, there are a pile of dishes to be washed and a dryer full of laundry to be put away. If only I had super powers to take of everything in a blink of an eye! And stop global warming. And fight crime. Oh, and find Bin Laden of course.