The temperature is now at 40 degrees, compared to the 75 degree weather we had yesterday. What...the...hell....I was so looking forward to wearing my slippers again, but no. Mother nature had other plans for us. Like my mom always says, "mother nature is having a hot flashes." Notice how i typed "a hot flashes"??? My mom is from the Philippines and so some things don't come out quite right, but God love her she tries.
So what have I been doing today aside from loafing and keeping my toddler entertained at the same time? Well i've been experimenting with this Photoshop thing. Very interesting...and confusing. I pretty much got the jist of most features, but still confused with others. Like i'm trying to customize a header for this blog page of mine, but i'm having some technical difficulties. So instead i've been messing around with some pictures, like these seashells, to see what this bad boy can do. Oh the possibilities!
Well, there are a pile of dishes to be washed and a dryer full of laundry to be put away. If only I had super powers to take of everything in a blink of an eye! And stop global warming. And fight crime. Oh, and find Bin Laden of course.