Just the other day, I went to my sister's house and she showed me a book she has raved about and inspired her. The book is titled Everyday Matters by Danny Gregory. It is a graphic memoir, a journal with his drawings of his everyday life and surroundings. During the aftermath of his wife's accident, he taught himself how to draw once again and through it, it has helped him cope with life's obstacles and see the beauty in everything. The life he knew no longer existed, but is now replaced with even more love, hope, and an understanding that life can still go on when we can't control or predict the unknown that can unexpectedly come crashing down on us. This small book has been a big inspiration to me to see that I've been blessed and to remind myself that not every drawing has to be "perfect", but it's what I see that matters the most. His most random drawings of a can of Chef Boyardee or the contents of his medicine cabinet and the funny captions, put a smile on my face and cracks me up at times. I've decided to start my very own journal containing my little sketches and scribbles. I believe it will be my therapy as well and let me get back into the groove of drawing once again. So thank you Mr. Gregory for opening up and sharing your life's journey, to help people like me jump-start our lives by reopening a door that's been closed for a long time.